Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Spring Golf Deal

What an amazing start to Spring! The great weather has prompted some of the local golf courses to open early. Hickory Hill, which is less than 5 miles away from the Inn, is offering a round of golf with a cart for $25. That's a great excuse to dust off the clubs and get out there. To sweeten the deal, we'll take 10% off your stay at the Waterstone Inn if you golf at Hickory Hill in March and April.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Geocaching in Greenwood Lake

Has anyone heard of geocaching? This is something I just discovered yesterday and have become completely fascinated. In case you're wondering, like I did, geocaching is a real-world, outdoor treasure hunting game using GPS-enabled devices. Participants navigate to a specific set of GPS coordinates and then attempt to find the geocache (container) hidden at that location. At its simplest level, geocaching requires these 8 steps:
Register for a free Basic Membership.Visit the "Hide & Seek a Cache" page.Enter your postal code and click "search."Choose any geocache from the list and click on its name.Enter the coordinates of the geocache into your GPS Device.Use your GPS device to assist you in finding the hidden geocache.Sign the logbook and return the geocache to its original location. Share your geocaching stories and photos online.
I didn't realize just how popular this has become. Apparently there are over 1200 caches in the Greenwood Lake area!! If you're into it, come on up to the Inn and let the treasure hunt begin.

Friday, March 2, 2012

Irish Events to Celebrate the Season

The St. Patrick's Day events are kicking off this Sunday in Greenwood Lake with Irish Day at the American Legion 12-6 pm. Hosted by the Mid-Hudson Parade Committee, there's a jam packed schedule of Irish entertainment, raffles and fun. Groups performing include: The Parting Glass, Chris Turpin Band, Irish Step Dancers from McLaughlin's School of Dance, Pipes and Drums of the AOH of Orange County and the Mike O'Sullivan Band with the Latimer Brothers. Adults $8, kids under 12 with an adult are free.

Next Saturday, March 10th, the Greenwood Lake Gaelic Cultural Society will be holding its St. Patrick's Day Dinner Dance at the American Legion. This year the organization will be honoring Celts of the Year Nancy and Floyd DeAngelo, as well as our very own Bill Boss as Grand Marshall of the Mid-Hudson St. Patrick's Day parade in Goshen on Sunday, March 11. Come join in the fun. Here's a secret discount for our loyal blog readers: If you attend the Dinner Dance on the 10th we'll give you a 10% room discount at the Inn for the night.