Friday, April 15, 2011

First Flight

So, I can cross this off my bucket list. Maureen got me a Intro flight lesson in Orange County airport, in Montgomery, NY. Take Flight was the company. This is the plane I flew. There was me and the instructor. He has pedals and controls also, so if I messed up, he could take over. But there was a good ten minutes a was flying on my own. It was awesome! The best part was, Gary the instructor, said " OK, i wanna try something with you..." so he turned off the engine. Showing me that you don't need the engine to fly, it is all about the movement of air over and under the wings. Soooo as we begin to decent, and call in to land shortly. I say " Are we gonna turn the engine back on.?!" He says " I don't know, maybe..ah no, no I'm not." So we just glide right in and land. *Tara

1 comment:

  1. Congrats! I wish I had the nerve to try this. Would have totally freaked me out to hear the engine shut off!
